Gekreuzte Aphasie (Crossed aphasia)
Selteneres Aphasiesyndrom das bei Läsionen der ipsilateralen Seite gemessen an der Händigkeit auftritt. Läßt die Hypothese zu, daß in diesem Fall bei einem Rechtshänder die rechte Hemisphäre sprachdominant ist.
Cappa, S.F., Perani, D., Bressi, S., Paulesu, E., et al (1993) Crossed aphasia: A PET follow up study of two cases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Vol 56(6), 665-671
Giovagnoli, A.R. (1993) Crossed aphasia: Report of a rare case in a glioblastoma patient. Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol 14(4), 329-332
Primavera, A., Bandini, F. (1993) Crossed aphasia: Analysis of a case with special reference to the nature of the lesion. European Neurology, Vol 33(1), 30-33
Cohen, L., Geny, C., Hermine, O., Gray, F., et al (1993) Crossed aphasia with visceral situs inversus. Annals of Neurology, Vol 33(2), 215-218
Coppens, P., Robey, R.R., (1992) Crossed aphasia: New perspectives. Aphasiology, Vol 6(6), 585-596
Larrabee, G.J., Holliman, D.G., Zachariah, S., (1991) Reversed laterality and crossed aphasia: A case study. Neuropsychology, Vol 5(2), 67-79
Carr, M.S., Jacobson, T., Boller, F., (1981) Crossed aphasia: analysis of four cases. Brain and Language, 14(1), 190-202